If you are looking for a playground in Bellamonte, the Frainus is the one for you. An engaging amusement park in the heart of the Dolomites suitable for the whole family.

Playground in Bellamonte: the Frainus
The Frainus is an easy and slight circular route that will take you about an hour, except for the long stops that your children will take! It is suitable for everyone, from 0 to 100 years of age as it can also be used with a stroller and pram.
The path is littered with fun games and curious interactive stations where you can discover many curiosities about the world of birds that populate the Val di Fiemme: you can learn to recognize them by the shape and color of their feathers, by the style of flight or by the wing profile.

To make everything more exciting, the route is strewn with traces of the phantasmagoric Frainus, a gigantic prehistoric bird that usually lays its eggs in the dense vegetation of Bellamonte.
For an even more engaging experience, you can buy the “On the Trail of Frainus” playbook for children to discover and decode all the hidden games along the path!
How to reach the playground in Trentino Alto Adige – Bellamonte
The Frainus can be reached with the modern Bellamonte 3.0 cable car, descending to Le Fassane, at an altitude of 1750 m. Once you get off you can buy your toy book and start the journey.
Here what to do on Alpe Lusia and information on the Giro d’Ali water park, if you are hungry here is where to eat in Bellamonte